Thursday, September 27, 2007


In 2 days I leave for my first ever solo road trip. I alternate between excitement and apprehension. My mom often asks why it is that I choose the harder paths. Perhaps Ted's suggestion that I spend a week at a spa was worthy of more consideration...

I'll be on the road for 3 weeks, camping out of my VW van. I'll weave in solo time for hiking, biking, camping, reading, and reflecting. Oh yeah, and for driving too... I'll mix in a little visiting time, some continuing ed conference time, and a district meeting of my church community. Mostly I'm interested in discovering my own rhythm, an experience of me that isn't affected and connected so closely to those around me. Sort of a paradox for someone who values connection as much as I do...

Turning 50 this month feels like a milestone; an opportunity to evaluate, look inside, and see if there are things I want to approach differently than I have during the "first half" of my life...
Being solo feels an important aspect of this journey. No one to answer to or be responsible for but myself.

What if I find out that I'm really lazy and boring, or that I don't have a rhythm that is uniquely mine, or feel anxious and lonely the whole time? What if I don't want to come back? What if I turn around after 2 days? What if the inherent design of this trip falls short, and I am left with even deeper longing than I leave with?

Well, if you'd like to be privy to my process regarding these questions and more, feel free to log onto my "travel blog". I'm certain that no matter what else, I'll learn a lot, and being a student of life fascinates me. Sooooooooooooooooo...

See you later on, down the river...


Anonymous said...

Hey Heart Friend, So glad you are on this journey. You will find that you are not boring. Just the opposite. As the time nears and you are close to Yellowstone and Montana, I will try to free up time to meet you in the park. Lori and I would still love to welcome you to our home.

In the meanime, happy trails and much loving energy,


Christine Robinson said...

Blessings on your Journey!

Anonymous said...

Happy Travels Lorian! I am envious of your approaching time alone-- as I don't even get to use the restroom alone these days! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

COURAGEOUS WOMAN friend of mine,
go deep inside and illuminate
your connectedness to the All,
your innate nature,to your soul.
COURAGEOUS WOMAN friend of mine,
laugh and cry, shout and whisper,
and sing and dance
to the rhythm of your life.
COURAGEOUS WOMAN friend of mine,
Know how much you are loved,
how many blessings are sent,
and how held you are by the HOLY.

Me said...

I hold you in my heart and mind every second of your journey-may you find your body and mind renewed and your spirit filled with your goodness. Me

Anonymous said...

I read your comments daily and enjoy your every last thought. I can't imagine myself ever taking an adventure like yours but by reading your thoughts, I am "taking" your journey with you. Thanks for "sharing"!!!!!!

Lorian said...

Dear Friend,
You posted a comment on this blog on October 5, 2007 5:38 AM, Thank you! Would you tell me who you are? Lorian